Daily volatility (as calculated by BitMEX's BVOL24H index) surged to almost 10 in trading this weekend, which is a multi-week high. However, if we zoom out it starts to look not as impressive, as the move up is not nearly as high as the FOMO to $500 in early November:
This was due to a large move up that was fully corrected in a matter of hours:
So it's it's essentially a full retrace of that whole move up, which disappeared in a single 1-hour candle. Very impressive action here in bitcoin.
To get an idea of sentiment let's look at the Forward Curves in our new Futures Contract Spreads (courtesy of contributor Austerity_Sucks):
To get an idea of sentiment let's look at the Forward Curves in our new Futures Contract Spreads (courtesy of contributor Austerity_Sucks):
So OKCoin looks pretty neutral in sentiment, almost 1% in the weekly spread, 5% on the fresh new quarterly contracts released which are set to expire in end of March 2016.
Let's look at BitMEX forward curve now too:
Let's look at BitMEX forward curve now too:
Healthy premiums across the board at BitMEX too, I would even say it's pretty bullish sentiment going into end of the weekend tomorrow.
Let's look at the bigger trend right now by taking a look at the 12-hour chart from Huobi:
Let's look at the bigger trend right now by taking a look at the 12-hour chart from Huobi:
In the bigger picture this is either a failed test of the 3300 CNY / $500 which has been badly rejected, or if you're more bullish, it's the first leg on a bigger move up where we can smash through $500.
One thing is sure though: the trend is still up, and sentiment is far from bearish, so there's plenty room to move in the right direction as volatility really starts to pick up steam.
One thing is sure though: the trend is still up, and sentiment is far from bearish, so there's plenty room to move in the right direction as volatility really starts to pick up steam.