CryptoFacilities announces new API with lots of features that are an improvement on their prior version 1 API, here's a list directly from the e-mail notice they sent out to customers yesterday:
We have released a new version of our REST API with many new features and functions, including:The documentation can be downloaded here. Sample implementations are available in Java, Python, C# and Visual Basic .NET (please let us know if you have implemented the APi in any other language). The old version of the API is deprecated but will be continued to be supported.
- Market information on all outstanding Forwards and indices bundled in one endpoint (prices, top of order book, volumes, marking prices)
- Historical data for all Forwards and our indices CF-BPI and CF-HBPI
- Detailed information on your account, including margin requirements, margin triggers, PnL of open positions and portfolio value
- Batch orders to cancel and/or send hundreds of orders in a single request
- Support of bitcoin withdrawals
- API keys supporting different levels of access (read-only, read-write, master including withdrawals)
As always, please do not hesitate to get in touch through [email protected] if you have any comments or suggestions.
Your Crypto Facilities Team
Even if you only have a little programming knowledge, getting to know your favorite exchange's API is very useful to serious traders. You need to be able to access the trading engine even when the web is not behaving properly in your browser.
The neat thing is they have included versions of API documentation for the main programming languages: Java, Python, C#, and Visual Basic .NET.
Sign up over at CryptoFacilities with this link and you'll get $10 after you verify and make your first trade.
The neat thing is they have included versions of API documentation for the main programming languages: Java, Python, C#, and Visual Basic .NET.
Sign up over at CryptoFacilities with this link and you'll get $10 after you verify and make your first trade.